Thu 02 Jan
TH New V/P Ready Italian/athletic RN skill honest sensual reviews 34DDD 25 36 massage/bodyrub/escort - 36
(Cleveland, cleve independence)
{{ *8*0 *SPEC!ALS!!!}} *~ExOt!C DoMiNiCaN M!xEd EbOnY HoTT!E~{* READY 2 PLAY... ALL DAY!!*} - 24
(~CLeVeLaNd{EaSt /WeSt}*24HR OuTCaLL~)
$75qv SpEciaLs...I'm THE CHAMPION of BP 5🌟SkiLLS soooo CoMe FiNd OuT NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
60Q special I LOVE when YOU show ME who BOSS BABY PHAt booty DD44 707-506-6676 (2 girl spec) - 21
(Cleveland, beachwood (INCALL ONLY) TWO GIRL SPEC)
60Qv👅!It's time to get freaky!!👠😋🍒 INCALL ONLY . Let's do this 👅👙👠🍒🎉 - 20
(Cleveland, Pick up 💋 💋 lips Westside)
$$60 SPeCiALs *Try Me, TRY ME You R GoiNG to 💖 ME..BCuZ I HaVe 5* SKILLZ LiKe NO OtHeR GIRL ON BP!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield Hts INCALL ONLY)
60🌹100🌹150🌹Your favorite Dominican playmate fetish friendly and NEW IN AREA😘💋👅💦🌹 - 18
(Airport,brookpark,euclid, Cleveland)
.....5🌟 S💨M💨0💨K💨I💨N 💥HOT💥 🌺BustyBlonde🌺 🚀PROMPT🚀OUTCALL🚀 - 29
5 ST★R Companion* -:¦:- * DeLiCiouS * * -:¦:- * SkIlLeD HiPs & MaGiC LiPs * * -:¦:- * - 24
(♥AiRpOrT ArEa ♥)
🍒🍦50-80roses quick stays! ONLY going on NOW🎶🎈🍸text ONLY! 💦👙U'll wana B my regular! :* 💋 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland, West side)
*80* SPECIAL Giavonna "42" Double D's ! Top Notch Provider! Best on West! *80* - 28
(Cleveland, West/Airport * private* clean* safe)
80$ ROSE'S ***LoVelY kEnya*** °°beSt kept SecRet 216 203 5514 - 26
(Cleveland, CLEVE-West Oldbrooklyn my place safe@hon)
**$75 Specials Tues & Wed** CuRvY & pUr3 FR3@K & PhAT BOOTy & Re@dy 2 B SL@PpeD...5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
80* 80* 80* SPECIAL!! _____ •• CUTE * Slim * Petite* BRUNETTE - 37
(Cleveland, Slavic Village ~ Off Hwy 77 { incall })
70 Specials! NEW girl on the Block! Juicy, Soft, Talented! - (513) 839-2722 - 24
(Cleveland, Visiting Lorain County Area / Elyria)
60 QV Lorain CO. (J Bust)!! Lady Bella Has Arrived!! Your golden BBW - 25
(Cleveland, Elyria Incall 60 QV)
60 SpEcIaLs*OPEN 24hrs FRI &SAT;* VoLuPtUoUs THiCk BeAuTy w/ALOT of BOOTY&A1; SKILLZ that R a MUST SEE - 29
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding suburbs)
5th Caller get's a ******* for free.......Don't miss out on this A1 - 19
(Cleveland, Eastlake off Highway rout 2 east)
50/80 Specials !!!!!!!! ..CALL me Juicy (216)926-6278 Waste No Time - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland in/out)
4406502432 ❶❶❶❶❶ REAL PICS ❶❶❶❶❶ Gorgeous ❶❶❶❶❶ Love Doll ❶❶❶❶❶ - 21 - 21
(Cleveland, Westside/north olmsted)
4th of JULY Specials ^~♥~^~ MAKING ~^~ HE♥ ARTS ~^~ BEAT ~^~ FASTER ~^~♥~^ - 20
👊ToTaL KnoCkout 👊 Hottie with a Body .... Relaxation IS a Must.... Well Reviewed! 💸 - 27
(Cleveland, West/EAst ......)
TGIF Come be spoiled with a pamper session by Ameerie!!❤️❤Let me Cater to You!! - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland. Eastside I-90 & RT 2)
Taste CANDY White BBW 80/120/160/200 Everything FULL BODY NUDE My Place off i9O Anytime 2l6-252-5OOl - 32
(Cleveland, Cleveland /get off i90/)
•♥• SUNNY SPA •.•´¯`•.• Healing •.•´¯`•.• Touch •.•´¯`•.• NEW OPEN Massage w/ Asian •♥• - 23
(Cleveland, Sunny Spa: 443 E Market St)
You must meet this new exotic beauty! Desiree available 11am-5pm - 25
(Cleveland, Downtown and Outcall)
What is the MOST SATISFYING thing you could do TODAY??? Come see US! FSA - 23
*¨¨ *::SuPeR sLiPpErY* : *:: GoOd aSS p*sSY*: : *¨ ¨*: I jUsT LoVe 2 - 24
Sweet & Sexy.. Always Classy.. Come See What You've Been Missing ;) - 22
(Cleveland, close to 77/480 split)
♥SuPeR BuSTy ♥★ BLaZiNg HoT LaTiNa ♥★1OOO% Me Or It's FREE ♥★ PETITE ♥★SOFT PERKY DD's♥★ - 21
Super Low Special's With Kamore Starting @ (Thirty Bucks) Call Me 24/7!!!! - 25
Sultry, Exciting LEXI (216) 355-6829!! Reviews at T.E.R. TODAY $60Quickie/$90 or Half Hr. - 29
(West Side-Off W.150th &I-71;)
Taylor all nude**outcalls available**8 p.m to 1 a.m 130 nuru special - 26
(Cleveland, cleveland 5 min from downtown I90e)
(⊙⊙)♦ Stop❣ Look ❤ Pay ♦ Attention ♦ Gents ❤ The Great❣ One ♦ Is Here ❤U Almost ❣ Missed Me ♦ (⊙⊙) - 26
(Cleveland, █ ☆ █ AIRPORT AREA █ ☆ █LEAVIN SOON)
Sugar and Spice and everything nice. Discounts credit cards welcomed - 32
(Cleveland, mentor/travle outs)
specials unbelievable SKILLS of a CLASSY, SEXY all natural Cougar ...IN/OUT AVAILABLE - 44
(Cleveland, EAST 271)
*•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•. SWEET And DISCREET ~*•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•. 140 incall special (440) 567-8176 - 30
(Cleveland, 480 And Tiedeman)
Specials hurry cuban mixed missing some company 60 60 60 - 23
(Cleveland, shaker square area or your place)
SUPER! HOT! —————— ((*UPSCALE*!)) —————* GOREGOUS————* SEXY—————* 100% KNOCKOUT! - 30
(Cleveland, Middleburgh heights)
🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩👄🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩 Total Relaxation for unforgettable experience 🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩👄🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩 - 25
(Cleveland, ⬛️🌄⬛️ TOLEDO / 567-686-3468 ⬛️🌄⬛️)
SUPER-Sweet, Sexy New PIC'S, & VeRy PETITE 2 SLIM BeAuTy's - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland, inCall & OutCall)