Thu 02 Jan
Are You Guys Ready To Have Some Fun With A Gorgeous Gal.......Specials Today Only!!!! - 23
(Cleveland, west side)
♥ [[SEXY]] ▆ █ ♡[[ EROTIC ]]▆ █ ♡[[ BLONDE]] NEW EASTSIDE LOC. - 24
*█* ► *'"* CoMe Un-Wrap This. SeXy. PacKagE * ☆ *'"* (( *SPECIAL* ))* - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland/LocaL *iN&ouT;*)
Amazing Skills *:* One of a Kind Beauty - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Are u looking for the ultimate experience look no further 216-971-9963 text Makenzie - 29
(Cleveland, Cleveland. East 216-971-9963)
---> SUPER S€X¥ •ξβθηY __δωεε† *δε∂υ©†¡√ε* δk¡llε∂__ N01 L¡K€ M€! S € X Y(10O)S P € C ¡ A L S - 19
(Cleveland, ((☆::: OUTCALLS:::☆)))
amazing SASHA LUV... Hot - Fun... I'll Be Just What You Need Today! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland west)
All N!GHT ::::: H@RD ::::: ON JU!cY L!p$ BIG SofT BOOTIe Ts GIRL )) SoFt CLEAN & SAFE )ALL DUEDS !! - 22
Alexis... Busty petite exotic Vixen... sweet fun and openminded! your satisfaction is priority - 24
(Cleveland, west)
*█* ► *'"**J E S S I C A:* ☆ *'"* *(( *SPECIAL* ))* (216) 903-4865 - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland/LocaL *iN&ouT;*)
All Night Long, After the Game, $50,$50,$50 *216-849-4612* Coco - 20
(Cleveland, off Northfield Rd by 271 south or 480)
Amazing Dream..New In Town 80 Dollar Special..!!! - 18
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights by the airport)
Adventurous Male Wanted !! ESCORT or FBSM or COMBO Sessions Private INCALL or OUTCALL - 38
¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸ AFTER ¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨ ¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸ WORK¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨ ¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸ PLÀYMÀT€ ¸¸„ø¤º°¨ 216 324 2448 - 19
(Cleveland, 90 east,eastlake,306,271,rt2,)
♡☆☆Alexia☆☆♡ Latin spice come learn what it is too have some of this LATIN LADY - 27
(Cleveland, Northfield rd)
♥ Available NOW!! ((bLoNdE)) TAN ((bUsTy)) DOLL! *NO RuSh* ((gReAt pErSoNaLiTy!)) ♥ - 26
(Cleveland, (( -- AiRpOrT area IN&OUT; -- )))
((ALl DAY)) SPECIALS with S0M3 1 SP3ciAl (( OutCallS & InCALlS)) NoW Available - 28
(Brookpark / Cleveland, Cleveland)
♥ ♥ ♥ SEXY Lil PLAYDATE ♥ ♥ ♥ SUNDAY SPECIAL !! - 22
(Cleveland, incall /outcall - BEST RATES - UP LATE !)
*¨¨*:. ♥ Sweet as Heaven... Naughty as Hell*¨¨*:. ♥ Don't be fooled by imitaters!! - 25
(West Suburbs)
AmAzInG SkiLLs [ EbOnY ¤ HOTTie ][ SeXy & FUN ] ¤1OO% WoRtH uR TiMe _ SeDucTiVe PiCs ( *SPECIALS* ) - 21
(++BaCk iN MeNtOr _ 24hr InCaLLs ++)
--> SPECIALS! ☆ BUSTY☆ Curvy ♡ JuiCy BooTy ♡Yes...Im ReaL☆ FETISH FRIENDLY ☆ UPSCALE - 23
(Cleveland, West ☆ Cleveland)
(♥ L:: A:: N:: A:: ♥) ♥- ► *°{{ aLL Night L0Ng }}°* ◄ ♥ - 24
(WesT-Cleveland &Surrounding; *iN & 0uT*)
▒ ❤.• Amazing ReViewS☜❤☞ ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLED ☆ And F®e@ky 2 The Core ☆ JUiCY ß∅∅TY ❤ - 27
(Cleveland, ★@IRPORT❀°@RE@☆ 24HR INCALLS ONLY)
All Day Fun, * white men over 30 and black men over 35- $50,$50,$50 *216-630-1681* Coco - 20
(Cleveland, off Northfield Rd by 271 south or 480)
All natural busty DD brunette ...Danielle Fox... Fun non rushed excitement at its BEST - 28
(Cleveland, cleveland West)
"Addicted To Love Or Searching For Lust" BootyLicious Ebony Playmate is made to order - 27
(east/west side)