Sat 04 Jan
Pretty Face * Great Bootie * Luscious Boobs ** WELL RATED and REVIEWED - 30
(Akron/Canton, N CANTON)
Let's make it happen ! Ready when you are :-) - 23
(Cincinnati, Me n u at your house hotel 513-467-8548)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ - 21
(Cincinnati, u 513-448-9281 Shannon mason)
NEW GIRL working with Married COUPLE !!! NATURAL 38D !! and 38DDD !! SUNDAY & MONDAY - 50
(Cleveland, CLEVE/AKRON)
——* NEW STAFFS *——— TODAY — * ——— AMAZING — SPA —— *A—S—I—A—N*——— *B—O—D—Y*— *W—O—R—K* —— ss - 24
(Toledo, CALL US 313-436-5821)
Have some fun with us ! - One of a kind Experience - look no further ! - 34
(Cleveland, Cleveland OHio)
This could be the best thur you ever had come see what youve been missing out on !!!!!!! - 32
•:* THE¨¨*•- :¦:-•* SEXY¨¨*•- :¦:-•* GIRL¨¨*•- :¦:-•* NEXT¨¨*•- :¦:-•* DOOR *¨¨*:• 100$ SPECIAL - 24
(Cleveland, Off 480 Brookpark rd. Incall & Outcall)
Smoking Hot Sexy New Pics!! In/Out All Night In Beachwood!! - 25
(Cleveland, all over u/ or Beachwood)
~**~*~~*SeXii FreaK w/UnbElieVabLe >>>*** 100 SpeC¡als *** Let me cater 2 U - 24
(Cleveland, Westside/Airport)
*#* Seductive, Vuluptuous, Vixon, waiting to make YOUR weekend the best!!!*#* - 23
(Cleveland, W. 130th and Brookpark rd.)
Rank #1 Mz.$50-$50----* 234-521-2125 * Coco - 20
(Cleveland, 90 E&W; to rout 2 get off on 91 eastlake)
°°Nice & N@UgHtY}° ¤{GoDdEsS} *°°*¤{ WiTh}¤ *°°* ¤{J@w DrOpPiNg}¤ °*°* ¤{T@LeNts}Le@vIn SooN! - 25
(Cleveland, ((( •♥•AIRPORT AREA •♥• ))))
no regrets!! stunning, beautiful, so sexy
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
(~*♥*~) — °*° Nikki and Lizzie —2 for 1!!! TWO GIRL SPECIALS — °*°— KNOCK — OUTS — °*° — (~*♥*~) - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron/OUTCALL)
I Am One Of A Kind When It Comes To Customer SATISFACTION*** [HOLLY] $100 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀HOTT▄ ___S_P_E_C_I_A_L 80qv ❤ E_D_I_T_I_O_N___ 80qv ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ - 22
(Dayton, dayton mall / Kettering in/out)
Sexy Exotic Beauty .. Noel .. Journey into a world of sensual relaxing bliss. all Real Photos - 23
(Cleveland, WEST)
UNFORGETABLE! full-Nude BODY rub:) KISSME Specials you don't want to miss... - 29
(Columbus, North side private residence)
❀°. n3w .aNd. s3xY .°❀°. [M u L a T o] .°❀°. nIc3 .aNd. sWe3t .°❀ - 20
(Cleveland, ♛ airport area ♛)
AVAILABLE ANYTIME!!!♥¨*•♕ •♕•*¨♥ Enjoy The Touch of A Sexy Russian Woman! ♥¨*•♕ •♕•*¨♥ Call Now - 43
4 mins off rt 90 / 2 mins off rt 2~sexy HEATHER - 36
(Ashtabula, Lake County/Cleveland/Ashtabula/Geauga)
°°-:¦:-°° LET'S PLAY ! NEW SEXY ❤ PUERTO RICAN BABE ! °°-:¦:-°° - 23
(Dublin/ Incalls/ Outcalls)
Last night in town deals👅Head of a goddess ✨BOOTY 4 Sinful pleaaure💥56Inches sure to please by any measure✨💥 - 23
(Cleveland, Euclid,oh)
▓ ▒ ░ •♥• L✪ ✪K •♥• ▓Shhhh...•♥• (N A U G H T Y) •♥• (L I L) •♥• (S E C R E T)•♥• ▓ ▒ ░ - 25
(Cleveland, In Newburg Hts. & Outcall *all day long*)
LAST CHANCE💕Multiple Pops Allowed💫HIGHLY REVIEWED! Sweet PuertoRican - 23
(Cleveland, warrensville/Northfield In/Outcalls)
▓ ▒ ░ *• 🎀.•*😍 L✪ ✪K 😍*•🎀•* 😘DON'T MISS OUT😚 💞💗💕💖 💗 ▓ PUERTORICAN FREAK👅💦💧 💘 💋💋💋 - 22
(Akron/Canton, outcalls/incalls)
Last Day Specials Exotic Hot CurVy F!3xAb!3 n Ready YouR Tim3 aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area incalls $80$hh)
☆★K!lL€r Curv€ss ☆★ ( ♥€xot!c LaTiNa♥ ) ◇◆ Pr€tty f@c€◆◇ ☆♥ LAST DAY CLEVELAND☆★ - 23
~~ H@RD D@¥ @ W¤RK?? ~~ {C¤M} T@kf w/@ CuRv@c¤Us CuT¡ ~~ - 23
(Cleveland, Westside incall-outcall everywhere!)
HOTT SPECIALS!* o ° ★* ೋ_ **your #1-Play-Mate **_;ೋ -★°o - 22
(Cleveland, Less Than 10Mins. W. Of Hopkins Airport)
EXOTIC Busty Asain Isabella✿✿✿✿ Hottest Asian ✿✿100% Good service 614-907-4218 - 20 - 20
(Cleveland, 5 days visit in clevland Asain sweet)
EBONY*❤* ••••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀-:¦:- Hottt SpEcIaLs -:¦:- OUT/INCALLS - 19
(Cleveland, Airport area// middleburgh hts!! In-out)
EXCeptiOnAllY🔥☝BeAutIfUl 🔥🍃CaNt🙅 HaVe ⚠ AnOtHEr 📠 COpY 🎤DoNt 🎤MIss 📠 mE 📞 ⚠ CalL NoW - 23
(Cleveland, 🔸 DoWnToWn Upscale In & Out 🔹)
XMAS🎅 SPECIALS ✨ Amazing 💋 Skills. 🎄 DON'T stay lonely 24-7 Avail. Call NOW 2165081338 - 27
(Cleveland, East)
EASY Breezy Beautiful! ; ) Brand New! More then one!...Different number! - 26
(Cleveland, Incall/Outcall)
cheRRy Took HeR LockZ OuT sEE HeR NeW LooK - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS ONLY! lakewood, parma, airport)
BuBbLe BuTt aMaZiNg SKiLlS eXCeLLeNT SeRViCe uNBeaTaBLe RaTeS - 21
BLONDE barbie downtown VIDEO dated PROOF!!! hotel READY and AVAILABLE 216-925-8856 I LoVe GiFtCaRds! - 26
(Cleveland, downtown incall outcall only to dt hotel)
♥ BEST SPECIALS •• Come Get What You DESIRE •• With Me You Get Real PLEASURE •• BEST SPECIALS - 20
(Cleveland, MY PLACE OR YOURS)
§A true Scorpio Passion§...real pics well reviewed... Specials today likeneverbefore - 28
(Cleveland, west/east)
6'0 TaLL ~BEAUTiFuLL!! BaD!! BiG BOOTy **BL0NdE** **ViSiTiNg** THicK & CuRVy ~CAUCASiAN CUTiE!! =) - 25
**80 rose's -Special JAZZMINE. 216 2035514 - 26
(Cleveland, Old Brooklyn cleveWest my place or ur's)
--((70)) -- C R A Z Y -- ((70)) -- S E X Y ((70)) C O O L -- ((70)) -- Up LATe SpeCiALs -- ((70)) - - 25
((( T @ $ T ¥_____ J U ¡ C ¥ _____ U n F ° r G 3 t t * b l 3 _____ B U $ T T¥ ____ D 3 l¡¡ G h T ))) - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland west/ airport area)
A Flirty Sweetheart for Your VIP Taste! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
7 reasons why relax is just a click away!! Thursday Afternoon Special.... - 25
(Cleveland, Northfield / Surrounding)
60/80Hhr... TAKE a Dip with MeMe ....Chocolate B U B B L E B O O T Y & B U S T Y 2163708596 - 23
(Cleveland, Warrensville INCALL only)
WITH the 4TH of JULY coming MIGHT as WELL go WITH a RELAXING Lunch. Special $40 - 29
(Cleveland, incall/outcall)