Mon 27 Jan
Sensual & Arousing 2girls Available NOW-All Week🌹=¤=🌹Happily Ever After °NUDE° BodyRub🌹=¤ - 24
(55, Cleveland)
Relax w a Kinky body rub full of Naughtiness!!!Mutual touch n more!!$50 Specials - 30
(Cleveland, your place or mine)
~**♥**~ NIKKI ~**♥** Playful Massage ~**♥**~ Sexy Specials ~**♥~** - 28
(Cleveland, ♥West Cleveland ♥)
Mary's Most Fun Bodyrub Nude to Relax & Relieve Your Stress. My Place 3453 W117 Walk in Special $IOO - 34
♥-♥Amazing bodies♥-♥, ♣*♣Phenomenal hands♣*♣, ♠•♠The Best body rubs♠•♠ PERIOD!!. - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland area)
Busty AMERICAN Blonde BOMBSHELL 38 DD SOFT CURVY luscious Body - 24
(Cleveland, i 271 & Chagrin rd Hotel)
💖💖💆💆 Ambiance is exactly what Your Body Needs ... Nicole {225} 366-7793 Prostate Friendly !!!!! - 26
(Broadview Road (225) 366-7793, Cleveland)
*¨¨*:•.★ .•:*¨¨* MagicaL MassagE ★ $65-*SPECIAL* aLL NitE LoNg **¨¨*:•. ★ .•:*¨¨* - 25
(Cleveland, aLL oVeR YOU!! :),)
Tue 21 Jan
Hey Guys New Girl Brittany is available for your wildest dreams 5132077265, 24/7 - 24
(Cincinnati, cincy, nky, indy)
Caliente !! athletic gymnast A massage to erase your days stress experience true Nirvana... - 26
(Cleveland, downtown)
👌Personalize your massage with a Target Massage; your time with us is important! 💙🎀 - 24
(Dayton, Dayton Ohio)
NEW COUNTRY GAL . . . MALVERN $75 Friday special Ava**{409} 617-2331 and be ready for your royal - 29
(Akron/Canton, MALVERN)
Sat 11 Jan
*** YouR * A * FooL * IF * YoU * MisS * ThiS * ApriL * SpeciaL *** PRE-EXISTING * CLIENTS * ONLY*** - 28
Fri 10 Jan
👄Your Mediterranean Goddess, BROOKE👄... New solo location! 8143431788👙 - 26
(Cleveland, 5 min west of downtown)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Willoughby ohio 75-110 half hour hour rate strictly massage service - 32
(Cleveland, Willoughby ohio)
**** WhaT ArE YoU GoinG TO DO WheN I AM GonE **** ComE CelebratE **** - 30
Tue 07 Jan
One on one, tasteful relaxation, with the classiest, sexiest woman youll find. SPECIALS! - 24
(Cleveland, cozy west of downtown before lakewood)
Meet Kourtney! Your bouncy blonde bombshell! - Appointments til 6pm TODAY! - 24
(Cleveland, Downtown and Outcall)
$10 Gift Card starting March 7-19.Thank you for your business 10am-5pm - 30
(Cleveland, Private Studio East Cleveland off 271)
Mon 06 Jan
M-1 ACU CENTER ❶💟⭐️💟▀▀▀▀▀ 🍀▓🍀▓🍀▓ ►►►BEST ASIAN MASSAGE & STAFF ▀█▄█🍀█▄█▀ Best Service 🍀▓🍀▓🍀▓ (Toledo) - 23
(Cleveland, 3443 secor rd. Toledo OH 43606)
+1 (216) 404-6685 Chyna (no FS) don't ask 100 nuru spl 😍 slim sexy curvy and cute e.260th i90e - 23
(Cleveland, E.260th i90e)
6 beauties 100 dollar nuru specials all day with a twist. outcalls avl.. accept cc - 25
(Cleveland, Downtown off st.clair)
——* NEW OPEN *——— TODAY — * ——— AMAZING — SPA —— *A—S—I—A—N*——— *B—O—D—Y*— *W—O—R—K* —— ss - 24
(Toledo, CALL US 313-436-5821)
[[[ 38DD *** BuSSinG*** EBONY! ]] =!! !!= !! 1000% iNDePeNDeNT!! ((( SPeCiaL))) ALL NATURAL! - 21
(Cleveland, Willoughby Area/INCALL$ ONLY)
► ► ✨ *2* █▬█❶▀█▀ [ X ] R@T€D GiRLS ✨ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ✨ 2GiRLS ✨【 δωεε† && Crεam¥ 】RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - - 20
SWEET ASIAN ** MOON NIGHT SPA ** ~ ** GRAND OPENING! **~☎ 330 ~ 369 ~ 8700 **~* - 23
*❤* Two Girl Bikini Massage *❤* Your Going To Love Our Curves! *❤* - 23
(private residence in PARMA)